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Yogyakarta and Central Java Roadshow Strengthens USAID and DFAT Support to Social Inclusive WASH Development

Yogyakarta and Central Java Roadshow Strengthens USAID and DFAT Support to Social Inclusive WASH Development

USAID and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) support the Government of Indonesia in meeting its Sustainable Development Goals 6 by 2030. This collaboration aims to ensure universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, along with adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all.

As a part of this partnership, USAID and DFAT delegations conducted a joint monitoring roadshow to observe progress and share lessons learned from their respective WASH programs by visiting their project sites in Yogyakarta and Centra Java, from November 1st-2nd, 2023.

The roadshow began in Sleman district, Yogyakarta, where they visited a DFAT water utility initiative and observed gender equality and social inclusion integration into the utility’s operation.

In Central Java, USAID and DFAT took note of advancements made by the USAID IUWASH Tangguh-supported community-based Monitoring and Evaluation (MONEV) team in enhancing WASH access in Sragen district. The MONEV team employs a participatory assessment and triggering approach, advocates for the same management of drinking water and sanitation, promotes good hygiene practices, analyzes findings, and formulates action plans.

Following the assessment and triggering results, the local government allocated funds for the construction of household toilets with septic tanks, benefitting ten families. Among these, Ms. Luluk’s family was one of the fortunate recipients. She expressed gratitude for the newfound convenience of having a private toilet with a septic tank for her family.

In Surakarta city, delegations from USAID and DFAT observed the execution of DFAT’s urban sanitation grant in Jajar village, and enduring impact of the former USAID IUWASH PLUS program in Pajang village. The Surakarta city government has embraced the USAID IUWASH PLUS method of engaging and empowering communities to enhance access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation. Following a community proposal, the city government constructed three on-site domestic wastewater treatment plants funded by the 2023 Integrated Special Allocation Budget for Drinking Water, Sanitation, Road, Drainage, and Uninhabitable Houses. These plants now serve 40 families.

Mr. Mohib Ahmed, the Director of Acquisition and Assistance at USAID Indonesia, appreciated Surakarta city’s commitment to the sustainable integrated water and sanitation sector, highlighting it as a role model for other districts and cities across Indonesia. The lessons learned from the joint monitoring visit will provide invaluable guidance for USAID and DFAT as they continue to bolster their partnership to support the Government of Indonesia to achieve the SDGs 2030.

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