USAID IUWASH PLUS facilitated an online workshop to handover M&E data on five pillars of STBM (community based total sanitation) from the participatory M&E teams in Bekasi and Depok cities, to their respective city health offices, on July 21–22, 2021.
The five pillars of the STBM consist of stop open defecation, handwashing with soap, proper household drinking water management, household solid waste management, and household liquid waste management.
In attendance were the representatives from Bekasi and Depok cities’ health offices, puskesmas (community health centers), urban-village governments, sanitarians, and the participatory M&E teams from USAID IUWASH PLUS partner villages.
The STBM data handed to the city health offices were generated from six urban villages (4 in Depok and 2 in Bekasi). The data sets , which ere updated by the participatory M&E teams every 6 months between 2018 and 2020, can be used as a baseline for the city health offices to collect STBM data from all urban villages in the respective cities and continue promoting safely managed WASH to households.
In addition to the STBM data handover, USAID IUWASH PLUS also used the workshop to introduce Google Form™ as a tool for data collection to the sanitarians from the project’s non-partnering areas.
Following the workshop, the Health Office of Bekasi city and the Health Office of Depok city plan to collect the STBM data in 10 urban villages and 42 urban villages, respectively. The data collection process will use the Google Form™ introduced by USAID IUWASH PLUS.