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Ibu Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, Direktur Perkotaan, Perumahan, dan Pemukiman Bappenas memberikan presentasi tentang pentingnya menciptakan lingkungan pendukung untuk pemasaran sanitasi.

Workshop on Sanitation Marketing Strategy

USAID IUWASH PLUS and Bappenas held a workshop on sanitation marketing strategy in Jakarta on May 14, 2018. The workshop aimed to introduce and discuss the market-based sanitation marketing strategy with the key national partners. The workshop was attended by Tri Dewi Virgiyanti, Director of Urban, Housing and Settlement of Bappenas, Matthew Burton, USAID Environment Office Director, and the participants from Bappenas, MPWH, MOH, UPTD PAL Bekasi, PD PAL Jaya, septic tank producers, and USAID.

During the workshop, the participants discussed the sustainable sanitation marketing and the implementation of sanitation marketing strategy. The participants also discussed the action plan for sanitation marketing implementation, such as the plan of ‘who does – who pays’ on the sanitation marketing aspects (septic tank construction, promotion, selling, and desludging) and what the institutions need and could do to implement the sanitation marketing.

In the final session, Tri Dewi Virgiyanti delivered a presentation on the importance of creating enabling environment for sanitation marketing. “All parties, including the private sector, should involve in the sanitation marketing implementation to support the achievement of Universal Access 2019 targets,” said Tri Dewi Virgiyanti concluded her presentation.

As a follow up to this workshop, USAID IUWASH Plus plans to conduct a pilot project to implement sanitation marketing strategy this year.

In one of workshop sessions, the participants working in groups to discuss and share experience on the implementation of sanitation marketing strategy.