USAID IUWASH Tangguh organized a workshop held in Depok City on May 30th and 31st to help develop work plans for gender mainstreaming group (Kelompok Kerja Pengarusutamaan Gender/Pokja PUG), gender drivers, and gender focal points. This workshop participants successfully generated two work plans, one for the Pokja PUG at the district level and the other for gender focal points in the local government offices working in WASH and water resource management sectors.
The workshop participants succeeded in developing two work plans, one for Gender Mainstreaming Working Groups at the district level and one for gender focal points in local government offices working in the WASH sector and water resources management.
The absence of annual work plans for Pokja PUG and gender focal points in Depok City, despite being mandated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, hindered their ability to effectively mainstream gender in planning and budgeting.
One of the challenges identified by workshop participants was the lack of sex and age disaggregated data (SADD) from each sector. Additionally, not all Pokja PUG and focal points understand how to analyze gender using the gender analysis pathway.
To address these issues, USAID IUWASH Tangguh facilitated the workshop, enabling the participants to develop annual work plans that incorporate strategies to address SADD unavailability and provide training on the gender analysis pathway.
One of the Workshop participants felt helped by this workshop. Yulia Fitria Ningrum, one of the participants from the Depok City Health Office said, “Personally, this workshop helped me to rebuild my understanding of gender mainstreaming in the aspect of improving safe drinking water and sanitation services. This motivates us to also integrate women and vulnerable groups in financial budgeting, preparation of activity plans, as well as a follow-up that the PUG Working Group will carry out in the future.”
Following the workshop, USAID IUWASH Tangguh will support Pokja PUG and gender focal points in Depok City to formulate gender analysis pathway documents and gender budget statements for local government offices working in WASH and water resource management.
USAID IUWASH Tangguh is committed to supporting Pokja PUG, gender drivers, and gender focal points in accelerating gender mainstreaming implementation through gender-responsive budgeting and planning. The goal is to promote gender equality and social inclusion in WASH and water resource management, ensuring a more inclusive and equitable approach.