Since the government announced the first COVID-19 cases in early March 2020, many community members, especially in USAID IUWASH PLUS supported areas, have intensified campaign on the proper hand washing with soap in suggested key times.
Not only the adults run campaign, children also promote the proper hand washing with soap to prevent COVID-19. This is what Diandra, the first grade student of SDN Latsari in Tuban district, and Ainurrofiah Dharojah, the fifth grade student in SDN Panjangjiwo/265 in Surabaya, have done.
Diandra’s Story
Diandra made a video on seven steps of hand washing with soap with helps from her parents. Although this video was made to complete Diandra’s school assignment, Diandra’s parents hope this video will motivate other children to wash their hands properly.
“The topic on proper handwashing is selected because many children have yet to understand on hand washing with soap. Let alone make it a habit. It is important to teach the handwashing with soap since childhood, so that they can keep practicing it when they have grown up, “ said Estri Rahayu, Diandra’s mother—who is also a staff of USAID IUWASH PLUS.
Diandra’s video was shared with her teachers and peers through the school Whats’app group and uploaded on her mother’s Facebook. As of now, the video has received 92 views.
Ainurrofiah’s Story
Just like Diandra, Ainurrofiah, who is often called as Ifa, also created a video on clean and healthy behavior to prevent COVID-19 as a school assignment.
Through her video, Ifa invites her peers to wash hands with soap, wear masks, keep safe distance from other people, avoid direct contact, and consume healthy and nutritious food.
Ifa’s father, Sugiono, supported Ifa during the video making. The father, who is also a staff of USAID IUWASH PLUS, even shared the video on his personal Facebook and school What’sapp group.
“I hope this video can make people remember the steps to prevent COVID-19 and start practicing hand washing with soap,” said Ifah. “Hopefully the COVID-19 pandemic will end soon and I can go to school again,” she ended.