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Visioning Workshops dan Penandatanganan Kesepakatan Kemitraan di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur

Visioning Workshops and Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremonies in Central and East Java

To disseminate the current condition of water supply and sanitation services in each region and to strengthen the partnership in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services, USAID IUWASH PLUS partners with the local governments to hold a series of Visioning Workshop and Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremonies.

In Central Java, the workshops and signing ceremonies were held in Surakarta City on April 3, 2017 and in Magelang City on May 10, 2017. Each agreement was signed by the USAID IUWASH PLUS Chief of Party, Louis O’Brien and the respective local government representatives. For Surakarta City, the agreement was signed by the Vice Mayor, Achmad Purnomo. “From all issues, one of the most important issues is the need for raising community awareness on clean and healthy lifestyle behavior,” said Achmad Purnomo during the signing event.  Meanwhile, for Magelang City, the agreement was signed by the Vice Mayor, Windarti Agustina. She stated that city government works together with DPRD to provide commitment and support to USAID IUWASH PLUS for the achievement of the targets of Universal Access 2019.

In East Java, the workshop and signing event was held on May 26, 2017 in Probolinggo City. This event was attended by USAID IUWASH PLUS Deputy Chief of Party, Alifah Lestari and representatives from the local governments. “The Probolinggo City House of Representative (DPRD) is ready to support the budgeting for water, sanitation and hygiene behavior (WASH) sector. And if any regulations are required for the WASH sector, please propose and we are ready to support,” said Muchlas Kurniawan, Vice Chairman of Probolinggo DPRD.