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Visioning Workshops dan Penandatanganan Kesepakatan Kemitraan di Bogor dan Depok

Visioning Workshops and Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremonies in Bogor and Depok

To disseminate the current condition and challenges of water supply and sanitation services in each region and to strengthen the partnership in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services, USAID IUWASH PLUS partnered with the local governments to hold a series of Visioning Workshop and Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremonies.

In West Java, the workshops and signing ceremonies were held in Bogor City and Depok City respectively on July 11 and July 13, 2017. In both cities, the USAID IUWASH PLUS Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP), Ibu Alifah Lestari, represented Mr. Louis O’Brien, the Chief of Party (COP), to provide initials in the agreements. In Bogor City, the Mayor, Dr. Bima Arya signed the agreement. In his speech, Dr. Bima Arya highlighted the urgency of proper operation and maintenance for sustainable public infrastructure services, including water and sanitation.

In Depok City, the agreement was also signed by the Mayor, KH. Dr. Mohammad Idris, MA. The event was attended by the Head of Local Parliament, Bapak Hendrik Tangke Allo, S.Sos. and the Vice Mayor, Bapak Pradi Supriatna. The technical team from Bappenas and Ministry of Public Works and Housing was also present in the event. Ibu Tri Dewi Virgiyanti,  ST, MEM, the ‎Director of Urban, Housing and Settlement at Bappenas stated in her speech that the universal access target achievement needs collaboration with many parties, including with international donor like USAID. She also encouraged local decision makers to contain the basic service provision issue as part of their campaigns.