USAID/Indonesia Mission Director, Mr. Ryan Washburn, visited USAID IUWASH PLUS project site in Makassar city on January 21, 2020. Also present in the visit were USAID Acting Director of Environment Office, Mr. Jason Seuc, and USAID IUWASH PLUS COR, Mrs. Trigeany Linggoatmodjo.
This visit was to share the successful implementation of Regular Desludging Services as one effort to achieve the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG #6 to increase access to safely managed sanitation.
The USAID delegation visited Timungan Lompoa urban village, an urban village Makassar city receiving regular desluding service from UPTD PALD. In this urban village, the Head of the city’s Wastewater Operator (UPTD PALD-Unit Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik) presented the progress of implementation of Regular Desludging in Makassar city.
The UPTD PALD was initiated in 2015 with USAID support.To date, the UPTD has registered 3,848 households to receive regular desludging services (LLTT), and 3,755 households are currently connected to the communal sanitation systems. Since 2010, the Government of Makassar City has been building Communal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) financed through the national and local government budget. Up to now, a total of 147 units of Communal WTTPs have been constructed in Makassar city and benefiting 36,750 people or 7,500 families.
Mr. Ryan Washburn said, “Safe sanitation is everyone’s responsibility. Without regular desludging, our collective health will be at risk from the fecal contamination. We need to work together to make the regular desludging a success.”