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USAID IUWASH Tangguh Supports Safely Managed Sanitation Achievement Through Training for the Septage Management Operators

Desludging service training for the operators in Wonogiri

Wonigiri district government is striving to expand safely managed sanitation access to community. The district has issued safely managed sanitation access. Those regulations include the 2023 Regent Regulation on Domestic Wastewater Management and the 2023 Regional Regulation on Tax and Levy. The district also has two septage trucks and a wastewater treatment plant (IPLT).

USAID IUWASH Tangguh supports the government’s endeavors by improving technical capacity of septage truck and IPLT operators and their private sector counterpart (PT Giri Aneka Usaha) wastewater treatment. On February 13, 2024, USAID IUWASH Tangguh conducted an on-the-job-training on desludging service for the environment office’s and its private counterpart’s septage truck and IPLT operators.

The training was followed with the first desludging service practice at the house of a resident in Kerjo Lor village.
desludging service preparation
The Head of Wonogiri Environment Office, Mr. Bahari, hopes that participants can deliver high quality desludging service to the community.
“We hope the community will understand that the IPLT can deliver regular desludging service properly to protect environmental health,” said Mr. Bahari.

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