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Waduk Gajah Mungkur News

USAID IUWASH Tangguh Organize Kickoff meeting to support Water Resource Vulnerability Assessment for Wonogiri’s Gajah Mungkur Multipurpose Reservoir

USAID IUWASH Tangguh organized a Kickoff Meeting on the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Wonogiri’s Gajah Mungkur multipurpose reservoir in Surakarta City on June 27th, 2023. The workshop introduced the project’s vulnerability assessment plan in Gajah Mungkur reservoir to local water resource stakeholders from the districts receiving water from WOSUSOKAS Regional Water Supply System (SPAM). This event saw active participation from the representatives of the Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bengawan Solo River basin agency, as well as public works offices, water utilities, regional development planning agencies from the districts receiving raw water from WOSUSOKAS Regional SPAM (Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Surakarta, and Karanganyar). The meeting resulted in the commitment of the local and national stakeholders to support the climate change vulnerability assessment of water resources.

The water capacity of Gajah Mungkur reservoir is facing a potential decline due to extensive land conversion in its watersheds. This situation threatens the sustainability of the raw water supply for the WOSUSOKAS regional SPAM. Therefore, it is crucial to assess and analyze the vulnerability of the Gajah Mungkur reservoir watershed and implement conservation and water resources management activities. To support this initiative, USAID IUWASH Tangguh and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional will collaborate on a study to assess water resource vulnerability in the reservoir.

The participants expressed appreciation for USAID IUWASH Tangguh’s plan to conduct a vulnerability assessment in the Gajah Mungkur watersheds. They also expressed their readiness to provide information, including data on rainfall patterns, land use, and updated water balance.

Following this meeting, USAID IUWASH Tangguh and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional will proceed with the assessment over the next four months. Water utilities, local governments, and other stakeholders will be actively involved throughout the implementation of the climate change vulnerability assessment. This involvement keeps them informed about the process while enhancing their capacity and commitment to support the program.