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USAID IUWASH Tangguh Collaborative Approach Improves Sanitation Access of 600 Citizens in Magelang City

Philanthropy organization Yayasan Dana Kemanusiaan Kompas (Kompas Humanitarian Foundation or YDKK) has completed an IDR 300 million (US $20,000) investment into the construction of individual and communal wastewater management systems in Magelang City (Centra Java).

Philanthropy organization Yayasan Dana Kemanusiaan Kompas (Kompas Humanitarian Foundation or YDKK) has completed an IDR 300 million (US $20,000) investment into the construction of individual latrines with septic tanks and house connections to communal wastewater management plants in Magelang City (Centra Java).

In collaboration with the USAID IUWASH Tangguh-supported multi-stakeholder forum Tembang Tidar, the wastewater management systems provide improved access to safe sanitation to more than 600 citizens.

On August 31, 2023, USAID IUWASH Tangguh participated in a ceremony to mark completion of construction of 156 new wastewater management systems that are installed in ten out of 17 wards in the city of Magelang. The city mayor and representatives from Bappeda, government agencies, youth and women’s groups, and members of the community attended the event.

Human practice of open defecation, which is still common in the community, could pollute rivers and cause various health issues, such as stunting.

The Chairperson of YDKK, Gesit Aryanto, explained that stunting is a shared problem and it brings adverse effects for the future generation. Gesit hopes that the beneficiaries could make best use of the constructed sanitation facilities so that they will be free from stunting.

“We will keep on moving, providing supports, not only for stunting reduction in Magelang city but also in other areas and with other type of assistances,” said Gesit.

USAID IUWASH Tangguh, in partnership with YDKK, Forum Tembang Tidar, and key local WASH stakeholders, work to free the city of Magelang from new cases of open defecation.

Since the start of the project, USAID IUWASH Tangguh has increased public awareness in the city’s 17 wards on the importance of access to safe sanitation through promotional activities and capacity building for Forum Tembang Tidar volunteers.

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