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USAID IUWASH PLUS Meets Sragen Regent: Discussing the Program’s Progress

Since mid-2019, USAID IUWASH PLUS has assisted Sragen district government’s efforts to achieve safely managed and sustainable water supply and sanitation. Although USAID IUWASH PLUS’ program has just recently started in Sragen district, it has made some progress.

These progress were presented by USAID IUWASH PLUS and Bappeda & Litbang to Sragen Regent, in a meeting on February 6, 2020. The head of relevant local government working units, and the Director of Perumda Tirto Negoro were also present in the meeting held at the regent office.

USAID IUWASH PLUS explained that during 2019, the project has assisted Sragen district government to conduct several key activities. For instance, it has supported the district government to draft a regulatory guideline for the implementation of the regional regulation no 13/2017 on domestic wastewater management, and to prepare a study on the institutional development for domestic wastewater management.

With regard to water supply, USAID IUWASH PLUS has also assisted Perumda Tirto Negoro to prepare a business plan and trained the Perumda on financial reporting. In addition, the project has also supported safely managed water and sanitation promotion to community members and leaders.

In 2020, USAID IUWASH PLUS will assist the district government to achieve the 2020-2024 RPJMN targets: access to sustainable safely managed water supply and sanitation.

USAID IUWASH PLUS program receives appreciation from the regent. “Thanks to USAID IUWASH PLUS supports in WASH sector,” said Kusnidar. Further, Kusnidar promises to use the entire district’s potentials, resources, and funding optimally to deliver safely managed sanitation and water supply service in accordance with the national government target.

As part of the district’s strategy to achieve safely managed sanitation, Sragen Regent will encourage the use of village fund allocation for improving sanitation access. In addition, the relevant OPDs also have planned several key activities. For examples, the environment office will purchase land for a new septage treatment plant (IPLT) construction, and the housing and settlement office will prepare readiness criteria for the new IPLT.

The housing and settlement office will also complete the study on the institutional development for domestic wastewater management (UPT ALD), and together with Bappeda & Litbang finish the draft of the regent regulation. Bappeda & Litbang will prepare a document on domestic wastewater master plan and conduct an AMPL (water and sanitation) workshop.

Besides, the health office will continue promoting clean and healthy hygiene behavior, and the social office will encourage the CSR forum to support water and sanitation programs.