USAID Indonesia and the World Bank delegation visited Magelang city on January 12, 2018. The visit aimed to observe the progress of WASH program development managed jointly by the Government of Indonesia, USAID IUWASH PLUS, and KOTAKU Program funded by the World Bank. The delegation consisted of the USAID Indonesia Environment Office Director Matthew Burton and the Lead Municipal Engineer, Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice of World Bank for Indonesia George Soraya, as well as the USAID COR Trigeany Linggoatmodjo and the USAID IUWASH PLUS Chief of Party Louis O’Brien.
This visit began with a Meeting with P3M Akatirta (Center for Research and Community Service of Tirta Wiyata Environmental Engineering Academy) to discuss the NRW (Non-Revenue Water) equipment grants from the World Bank that will be used for the USAID IUWASH PLUS NRW program in its assisted areas in 5 regions. After that, the delegation visited the Master Meter site at RT 6 RW 18, Nambangan village in Rejowinangun Utara urban village, and the Communal WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) sites for low-income communities at RT 5 RW 3, Kiringan village in Tidar Utara urban village.
The Master Meter program facilitated by PDAM and USAID IUWASH PLUS is very useful for the community. “Through Master Meter program, the community will receive water supply with better quality and affordable price, considering that the community using special tariff,” said Mochamad Haryo Nugroho, Director of PDAM in Magelang city. Until now, the Master Meter connection managed by the Community Based Organization (CBO) Melangkah Sukses has been accessed by 5 houses from the target of 20 house connections.
In the Communal WWTP program location, George Soraya appreciated the construction of Communal WWTP and Master Meter facilities in adjacent location. It is very useful to solve the water supply and sanitation problems in the community at once, and the construction of both facilities in the adjacent locations can support the sustainability and optimization the functions of those facilities. Hardini, the Secretary of Perkim (Housing and Settlements) office, appreciated the support from USAID IUWASH PLUS in preparing and organizing the community to have commitment to maintain the Communal WWTP facility.