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U.S Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Learn About Sanitation Programs of Tangerang District

Komite Senat AS untuk Hubungan Luar Negeri Pelajari Program Sanitasi Kabupaten Tangerang

USAID IUWASH Tangguh and Tangerang district government hosted a visit from the U.S. Senate and USAID Indonesia delegation to Kayu Bongkok village in Tangerang district on April 5th, 2023.

During the visit, the Sr. Professional Staff of the U.S Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Ms. Joan Condon; the Sr. Policy Analyst of the U.S Senate Committee On Foreign Relations, Ms. Claire Figel; USAID Indonesia’s Urban Environment Team Lead, Mr. Ryan Weddle; USAID IUWASH Tangguh COR, Mrs. Trigeanny Linggoatmodjo, and USAID IUWASH Tangguh ACOR, Mrs. Endah Shofiani learned about Tangerang district government and community’s collaborative works to continue improving sanitation access.

Tangerang district government has collaborated with multiple stakeholders, including USAID through its IUWASH programs, to improve water and sanitation access.

There are several programs carried out by Tangerang District, including: Gebrak Pakumis (renovating uninhabitable houses, including building the sanitation facilities); Sanisek / Sanitasi di Sekolah (Improving sanitation for schools); and Sanitren / Sanitasi di Pesantren (Improving sanitation in Islamic boarding schools).

The district regional development planning agency has budgeted more than IDR 50 billion in the 2023 local government budget to implement these flagship programs to build safely managed sanitation facilities for larger populations.

At the community level, the participatory monitoring and evaluation team in Kayu Bongkok which was formed and receiving capacity-building assistance from the previous USAID IUWASH PLUS program has spearheaded improving the community’s water and sanitation access in the village.

The team transformed into Sepatan Sehat Membangun community-based organization after the USAID IUWASH PLUS program ended, and it continues to support the government’s programs in delivering safely managed sanitation access to more households.

Ms. Joan Condon highly appreciated the strong commitment that the district government and community made to improving sanitation access.

“I hope this activity could bring positive impacts to the sanitation and drinking water development in Tangerang district, which has been improving in the last years,” the Chief Executive of Tangerang District, Mr. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, expressed his expectation to the visit.

The Chief Executive of Tangerang District also hopes that the partnership will continue not only in Tangerang District but also in other cities/districts in Indonesia.



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