Currently, PDAM in Lumajang district has a total of 29,000 household connections (SR). PDAM Lumajang estimates the number of its customers will exceed 30,000 SR in mid-2018. Recognizing this condition, PDAM Lumajang is determined to improve the company’s service in all fields. One of the efforts made to improve the service is by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS).
GIS technology is utilized to collect spatial data of pipeline assets as well as spatial data of house connections. In relation to that, PDAM formed a GIS team comprising of 20 PDAM staff from the Production, Distribution and Planning units. The selected GIS Team members are also the members of the Water Safety Planning (WSP), because the spatial data of pipeline assets is also required in implementing the WSP.
GIS utilization activities by PDAM Lumajang began with a series of trainings facilitated by USAID IUWASH PLUS which were implemented in 2 stages. In the first stage, from July 23-25, 2017, the GIS Team in PDAM Lumajang learned how to access the open source GIS software (for instance Quantum GIS), utilize GIS software to extract pipeline spatial data and house connections to complement WSP data, insert a vector object, and tabulate data in the attribute tables of GIS software.
In the second stage of training held on September 18 & 19, 2017, the training focused on the mastery of advanced GIS software functions such as creating GIS maps, data management, overlapping maps and displaying map data (queries). In addition, the GIS team also had the opportunity to practice the use of GPS hardware to record pipe coordinate points in order to map pipeline assets.
The training activities were followed by direct implementation in the field assisted by USAID IUWASH PLUS. The GIS Team has conducted spatial data collection of pipeline assets and house connections in Lumajang district. This activity began in October 2017 and it is targeted for completion by the end of January 2018.
As of the beginning of December 2017, the GIS team in PDAM Lumajang has completed 50% spatial data of pipeline assets for the primary and secondary pipes, but tertiary pipes have not been done yet. As for spatial data of house connection, the GIS team has completed around 60% of the works, although it still requires field verification.
The spatial data collection of pipeline assets will certainly bring many benefits for PDAM in improving its service. For example, by using GIS and spatial data, PDAM can directly respond to customer requests because PDAM staff can immediately find the location of the customers’ houses. In addition, the staff can also easily find the location of water pipes with a specific diameter.
The GIS training activities and its implementation have also been implemented in some cities/districts. For example, PDAM in Probolinggo and Sibolga cities have completed all spatial data collection of pipeline assets followed by PDAM in Solo and Magelang city, which are still in the completion stage of data collection. Similar activities will begin in the near future in PDAM in Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, Pematangsiantar, Makassar and Jayapura cities.
“The GIS training from USAID IUWASH PLUS has improved my skills in GIS and greatly assisted my work,” said Udiyanto, a member of GIS Team of PDAM Lumajang who participated in the training.