Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is an important tool for PDAM to properly deliver water service to communities. Despite the importance of the SOPs, many PDAMs are striving to develop and document the procedures and PDAM Maluku Tengah was no exception.
As recently published in the PDAM annual report, there are some locations in Maluku Tengah that rely on piped water served by PDAM. Therefore, PDAM Maluku Tengah has to serve those locations. Nevertheless, the PDAM current service coverage is only 14.89 percent of the total population or equivalent to around 63,282 people.
The operation of PDAM Maluku Tengah is supported by Peraturan Bupati No 22 Year 2007 on the Organization Structure, Tasks, and Functions. However, the regulation does not include the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
The absence of SOP has made the staff perform their responsibilities based on habits. As a result, it is difficult for PDAM management to monitor the PDAM’s financial condition and evaluate employee performance.
To improve PDAM’s activities and services, USAID IUWASH PLUS has facilitated the PDAM to develop SOP through a meeting held on November 19-21, 2019. Financial aspect is considered a priority to be developed for the SOP in order PDAM effectively monitor and record transactions.
During the meeting, it was agreed that PDAM will have 15 financial SOPs, which cover various topics, such as budget analysis, cash flow, tax payment, billing, etc. All those SOPs will be approved by the Director in January 2020 and ready for implementation.
“I hope these SOPs can help the management to oversee the PDAM’s financial situation, and improve our performance in the future. Moreover, we aim to improve our coverage service of the population in Maluku Tengah,” said JKR Pattiasina, the Acting Director of PDAM Maluku Tengah.