Bappenas, MPWH, and USAID-SECO Partnership launched the Capacity Building Roadmap for Human Resources of Drinking Water Companies/Water Supply BUMDs on June 2, 2021 in Jakarta.
Participants included the Director of Water Supply Directorate of MPWH, Mr. Yudha Mediawan; the Director of Development of Urban, Housing, and Settlement of Bappenas, Ms. Tri Dewi Virgiyanti; the Deputy Head of the Swiss Economic Cooperation Office in Jakarta, Ms. Andrea Zbinden; the Director of Environment of USAID Indonesia, Mr. Matthew Burton; the Chief of Party of USAID IUWASH PLUS, Mr. William Parente; and representatives of several Water Supply BUMDs and education/training institutions.
During the launching, USAID-SECO Partnership handed over the roadmap to the representatives of MPWH and Bappenas, who then passed on the documents to several Water Supply BUMDs and education/training institutions.
Bappenas, MPWH, and USAID-SECO Partnership formulated the roadmap to strengthen the education and vocational training of the staff of Water Supply BUMDs and the certification of their competencies as required by the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing Number 15 Year 2018 and the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Housing Number 582 Year 2018. Currently, only 12% from the total of 57,866 employees of these institutions have been certified.
The roadmap details several strategies that SPAM (Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum/Water Supply System) stakeholders will need to undertake, including increasing the number of training institutions and professional certification agencies, increasing budget allocations for training, and improving the management of human resources within Water Supply BUMDs.
“Thanks to this roadmap, we now have a general picture of what to do in the future. We hope that the Roadmap that we are launching today can serve as a guide in formulating a relevant technical policy.” said the Director of Water Supply Directorate of MPWH, Mr. Yudha Mediawan, emphasized the significance of the document.
USAID-SECO Partnership will take part in the implementation of the roadmap by developing (1) certification schemes and occupational maps for the staff of Water Supply BUMDs, (2) a guideline document on the establishment of training institutions for the SPAM sector based on the Indonesian Training Quality Framework (KMPI), and (3) several training modules based on the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI). The Partnership will also support the Center for Water Supply Technology (BTAM or Balai Teknologi Air Minum) in improving its organizational management and assist AKATIRTA in registering itself as a vocational higher education institution.