USAID IUWASH PLUS supported Bappenas and PMU PPSP (Project Management Unit for Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman/Accelerated Sanitation Development for Human Settlements Program) to test Fecal Sludge Framework (FSM) in Bali on November 15, 2018.
Around 31 participants, including Bappeda of Bali province, the provincial Pokja AMPL/working group for water supply and sanitation, and the Pokja AMPL from the districts of Buleleng, Tabanan, Badung and Denpasar city, attended the event.
This event aimed to collect inputs from local government on FSM framework, which USAID IUWASH PLUS is currently developing, so that it can be used as a national guideline the future.
The testing began with a discussion on the importance of FSM to achieve the SDG target on access to safely managed sanitation in 2030. During the discussion, USAID IUWASH PLUS also explained about the FSM visions: (1) FSM becomes a part of a settlement service system, (2) FSM is used by all onsite domestic wastewater management system, (3) FSM product is safe and ready to use, and (4) FSM should be self-financed.
Further, USAID IUWASH PLUS also explained about eight FSM strategies: (1) increasing local government’s interest in FSM, (2) creating supporting regulations, (3) preparing community acceptance, (4) law enforcement, (5) optimizing budget and investment, (6) increasing service availability, (7) maintaining service performance, and (8) self-financing the operation.
The participants responded USAID IUWASH PLUS presentation positively.
“[The FSM] concept and strategy are presented very well. We are obliged to implement this concept in the future. Moreover, the FSM concept will support [us] to achieve the SDGs targets, and it is line with the Governor’s vision, prioritizing human and environmental development,” said I Made Sudiarsa, the Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Bappeda (the Regional Development Planning Agency) of Bali province.
Further, the participants suggested that the combined billing system, which is initially developed for water and wastewater, to include sanitation. However, the expansion of the combined billing system should also consider the existing institutions.
The participants also expect Bappenas to advocate the Ministry of Home Affairs to encourage local governments to prioritize AMPL in their regional budget.
These inputs will be used to refine the FSM framework.