USAID IUWASH PLUS held a technical training on house connection installation for the community-based groups (KSM) that are organizing the communal Water Supply System (WSS/SPAM Komunal) in Magelang district on November 21, 2017. The training was attended by the KSM SPAM Komunal caretakers from Donomulyo, Sidomulyo, Sawangargo, and Sutopati villages in Magelang. The objective of this training is to provide the KSM caretakers with necessary skills and knowledge for installing and conducting operations and maintenance for house connections to communal WSS pipeline, including the development of those house connections.
The training was divided into classroom and field activities. In the classroom, the participants learned about the communal WSS and the technical matters of house connections, as well as the operations and maintenance of WSS. During the field activities, the participants had firsthand experience in practicing on how to install the house connections.
This training indeed has provide benefits in terms of knowledge and skills related to SPAM. “By attending this training, now I am better informed on how to install house connections that specifically comply with standardized design and technical specification,” said Dhurori, the chairman of Donomulyo community group. In the future, it is expected that PDAM will keep providing assistance for the community groups for assuring the quality of construction and OM of WSS managed by the community groups.