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Technical Team visit to Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra

Technical Team visit to Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra

USAID IUWASH PLUS facilitated the Technical Team visit for monitoring and evaluation in Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra on August 13, 2018. The participants of this monitoring and evaluation activity were the Technical Team consisting of representatives from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Ministry of Health, and the Agency for Improving the Implementation of Water Supply System (BPPSPAM), and the representatives from USAID, PDAM Tirta Deli, Bappeda of Deli Serdang, and the North Sumatra Settlement Environmental Sanitation (PLP) work unit.

The monitoring and evaluation visit aimed to see the progress of the USAID IUWASH PLUS program implementation and to gather inputs from the partners in the district.

The activities of this visit consisted of a visit to a house of the PDAM customer to see the condition of the water supply connection and talked with the customer about the experience with the PDAM connection, and a meeting at the Deli Serdang Bappeda’s Hall. The meeting began with a presentation from Bappenas, USAID and Bappeda, and closed with open discussion on sanitation and water issues.

The discussion resulted the inputs from the partners, among others are the needs for further USAID IUWASH PLUS assistance for institutional strengthening and assistance to increase access to water and sanitation in the form of dissemination, regulation, advocacy, and other relevant technical supports; the expectation on the continuation of Percut Water Treatment Plant (WTP) development to increase the capacity from 20 to 100 liter per second; the needs for microfinance program to increase the number of water supply and sanitation customers; and the importance of the national government role in realizing the Tungkusan Septage Treatment Plant (STP) for the regular desludging services program.

The Director of PDAM Tirta Deli, Batara I Nasution, is happy with the technical supports from USAID IUWASH PLUS. “I thank USAID IUWASH PLUS for building our capacity,” said Batara.

Aisyah, staf Bappenas (down, rightmost) with USAID IUWASH PLUS team talking to Tjeng Gwan (top, center), one of PDAM Tirta Deli customers about his experiences in using the PDAM connection.