With the Government of Indonesia’s plan to achieve 100% access to safely managed sanitation as part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, Indonesia needs to reform its sanitation policies and programs to deliver sustainable sanitation services.
One of the key programs that needs improvement is Regular Desludging Services (LLTT) implementation at the district level. Although the LLTT concept was introduced in 2014 and piloted in PDAM/UPTD, the scaling up is still limited. To replicate the LLTT, some local governments still require intensive assistance due to limited skillful human resources availability.
To address this need, from mid-2017 to mid-2018, USAID IUWASH PLUS supported the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH), Bappenas and five LLTT operators that have implemented the LLTT to develop LLTT training modules. The five PDAM/UPTD included UPTD Bekasi City, PDAM Surakarta City, UPTD Gresik District, UPTD Makassar City, and PD PAL DKI Jakarta.
During the module development process, the participants discussed the topics to be included in the training modules such as the LLTT concept and regulation, operations, financial management, marketing, database management, advocacy and facilitation skills. This series of discussions finally resulted in a package of 18 LLTT training modules approved by the Environmental Sanitation Development (PPLP) Directorate of MPWH.
To try out the modules, USAID IUWASH PLUS supported the MPWH national training institution (BPSDM) to conduct a Training of Trainers (ToT) held from July 9-12, 2018 in Makassar. Twenty-six participants from MPWH staff and five pilot LLTT operators attended the training, shared ideas and experiences in LLTT implementation, and practiced facilitation skills.
“This training improves my knowledge on LLTT implementation and helps me gain first-hand experiences in training facilitation,” said Iwan Setyawan, a training participant from UPTD Gresik district.
Upon the ToT, seven participants delivered their first LLTT training on September 25-October 4, 2018 in Surabaya.
The LLTT training modules and trainers are expected to accelerate the LLTT program scale up nationwide. Furthermore, the MPWH is committed to refine the modules and scale up the trainings for more LLTT operators using the 2019 National Government Budget (APBN).
-Immanuel Ginting/Endro Adinugroho-