The staff of 13 USAID IUWASH Tangguh partnering PDAMs/Perumda Air Minum participated in the training of trainer for water safety plan (WSP) that the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) and USAID IUWASH Tangguh organized in Solo city on December 5th–14th, 2022.
Those 13 PDAMs are from Jayapura, Pontianak, Blitar, Surakarta cities, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sragen, Magelang, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Malang, Gresik, Kupang, dan Gowa.
The Head of Technical Planning Sub-Directorate of the MPWH’s Drinking Water Directorate, Dades Prinandes opened the 10-day training. In addition, the Director of Housing and Settlement of Bappenas, Tri Dewi Virgiyanti; of Environmental Health, Mr. Anas Ma’ruf, and the Director of USAID Indonesia Environment Office, Mr. Brian Dusza, also delivered the remarks during the opening session.
In his opening speech, Dades highlighted that the training aimed at producing potential trainers at the provincial level who will help the national government expand the WSP implementation. The 2020–2024 National Medium Development Plan and the WSP road map set a target of 190 municipalities to implement the WSP in 2024.
The training was led by the facilitators from the MPWH, USAID IUWASH Tangguh, and Perumda Air Minum Tugu Tirta of Malang city.
In the training, the participants learned the basic concepts and steps of the WSP implementation. The participants learned about planning for the increased likelihood of risks occurring because of climate change. Participants learned how to conduct risk analysis, hazard risk mapping, and to integrate flood, landslide, and drought risks into PDAM management and WSP plan. They understand that the WSP is a living document which may need to be revised as climate risks continue to change. Besides, the participants also gained knowledge of gender mainstreaming and social inclusion and management information system.
The participants also visited Perumda Air Minum Toya Wening in Surakarta city and Semanggi to observe the potential hazardous incidences and identified risk management actions. They also learned about the water quality testing at the Perumda Air Minum and customer’s house.
“I will apply what I have learnt from the training. I hope there will be assistance from the MPWH and USAID IUWASH Tangguh to Perumda Air Minum on the WSP implementation,” said Lilik Sulistyowati, a participant from Perumda Air Minum Tirta Kanjuruhan of Malang District.