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Berita dan Cerita

Sanitation Entrepreneur Groups in Tangerang District Gather to Learn About Septic Tank Construction

Twenty-nine sanitation entrepreneur groups in Tangerang district (including those who had received technical assistance from USAID IUWASH PLUS) participated in a training on septic tank construction, maintenance, and hygiene promotion, which the district housing, settlement, and cemetery office and USAID IUWASH Tangguh held on May 16th, 2023 in Tangerang district. As a result, the sanitation entrepreneurs have a higher capacity to support the district government to expand safely managed sanitation access through SRASI program (Seribu Sarana Sanitasi/Tangerang district government’s program to build at least 1,000 sanitation facilities annually).

The sanitation entrepreneur groups have long become the district government partners to implement SRASI. In 2022, the 29 sanitation entrepreneur groups, that participated in this training, supported the district government in building 4,120 septic tanks through the SRASI program. To increase the sanitation entrepreneurs’ capacity, the district housing, settlement, and cemetery office and USAID IUWASH Tangguh organized the training on septic tank construction. Not only did the participants learn about septic tank construction, they also increased their knowledge of maintaining the septic tanks and promoting hygiene practices. USAID IUWASH Tangguh also introduced gender mainstreaming in sanitation development, such as involving women and vulnerable groups in the decision-making process. Additionally, the participants also learned about the potential collaboration with UPTD PALD (domestic wastewater operator), BAZNAS (Zakat National Agency), and BPR NBP (Nusantara Bona Pasogit rural bank). This collaboration will be helpful for the sanitation entrepreneur groups to expand their market reach and strengthen the entrepreneur groups’ position in the sanitation business.

The Secretary of DPPP Engkus Kusnadi responded positively towards this training, “Without KWS of Tangerang District’s contribution, SRASI program would not have achieved its target of constructing 4,120 individual septic tank units in 2022. I believe this training will equip KWS of Tangerang District with further skills to provide sanitation services and build more safely-managed sanitation facilities of quality.”

Mrs. Marni, a KWS member, was grateful for the training from USAID IUWASH Tangguh, especially regarding funding. “Previously KWS relied heavily on official programs. Now with increasing public awareness and interest in owning a septic tank facility, the demand for independent septic tank construction has increased so that KWS members also need to look for alternative funding to meet market demand such as loan options from BPR NBP and the other option.”

USAID IUWASH Tangguh will continue to foster multi-stakeholder participation, including sanitation entrepreneurs, in expanding safely managed sanitation access in the program’s assisted areas.

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