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Pengambilan Sampel Kondisi WASH di Bekasi untuk Menyelesaikan Penyusunan Ranperda

Sampling the WASH Condition in Bekasi for Finalizing Ranperda

Pansus 15 (Special Committee) of Bekasi City DPRD has received and will finalize the Regional Regulation of Domestic Wastewater Management (Ranperda) draft composed by the Housing, Settlement and Land Office (Disperkimtan). The regulation will provide a legal umbrella for domestic wastewater management and also requires people to use septic tanks and scheduled desludging. With the local regulation also, the Regional Technical Implementing Unit for Wastewater Treatment Plant (UPTD PALD) can further improve its services, namely desludging and treatment of sludge

After through the substantial discussion with Disperkimtan, environmental office, regional revenue office, law division, Pansus 15 conducted a sampling step in the field to observe and collect inputs from the community for refining the Ranperda, The sampling was conducted through visitation to Sumur Batu Septage Treatment Plant (STP) and communal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) at Marga Mulya urban village.

On the occasion of visit to IPLT Sumur Batu, head of UPTD PALD explained about the establishment process of STP, STP capacity, treatment process and benefits in term of regional revenues (PAD) obtained by Bekasi city. Muhammad Dien, a member of Pansus 15, enthusiastically conveyed his views. “Next year it should be converted into Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD), in order to increase PAD,” he said with enthusiasm. “But the cost that community should pay for desludging service providing by UPTD should not cause burden, so the people eager to have that service”, he added

Pansus members impressed with the environmental conditions surrounding the WWTP, for example the rainwater drainages were dried. if there is a communal WWTP proposal again, we will approve it, I am also ready to support the community,” said Sarwani, the chairman of Pansus 15.

The next step is Pansus will continue to finalize the Ranperda to become Perda (Regional Regulation) and it is expected to be finalized in the beginning of 2018.