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Peluncuran Pengembangan OSH untuk 2 PDAM di Bekasi dan Bogo

OSH Development Kickoff for Two PDAMs in Bekasi and Bogor

Through the Local Sustainable and Innovation Component (LSIC) activity, USAID IUWASH PLUS collaborates with Makedonia Indonesia Raya as the selected local implementer to develop the Open Source Hardware (OSH) prototype of Water Pressure Sensor for PDAM Tirta Patriot in Bekasi City and PDAM Tirta Pakuan in Bogor City.

A kickoff meeting to mark the commencement of OSH development activities was held respectively in each PDAM office, attended by the PDAM staff and the representatives from USAID IUWASH PLUS and Makedonia team. The first kickoff was held on in August 7, 2017 with PDAM Tirta Patriot, and the second one was held with PDAM Tirta Pakuan of Bogor City on August 8, 2017.

During the meeting, PDAM Tirta Patriot and Tirta Pakuan respectively shared their updates about the establishment of a team responsible for the OSH Development. This team consists of the PDAM staff from various divisions, including the Research & Development (R&D), Network & Distribution, and Data Management divisions. Besides establishing a team, both PDAMs have identified the location points, where the prototype hardware will be installed and have committed to provide working space for the Makedonia team to work closely with each PDAM. The PDAMs will also provide required infrastructures for installing the hardware.

Both PDAMs showed their enthusiasm in commencing this activity. “The PDAM Tirta Pakuan welcomes this OSH Development activity and we expect this prototype can be used by PDAM and it can be sustainable,” said Syaban Maulana, the Technical Director of PDAM Tirta Pakuan.

Likewise, in Bekasi City, Achmad Sudrajat, the Head of Non-technical R&D Subsection of PDAM Tirta Patriot, believed that this activity is very important for PDAM because now PDAM can understand how to develop a hardware and knows how the hardware works. Supporting Pak Achmad’s opinion, Syafrin Tarmidzi, the Head of Network Maintenance Subsection of PDAM Tirta Patriot added ”We hope the OSH development is not limited only to develop water pressure sensor but also with the development of other OSHs, for example water flow sensor and sensor that can detect chemical substances.”

USAID IUWASH PLUS and Makedonia having discussing on OSH Development with The PDAM Tirta Patriot of Bekasi City on August 7, 2017 (left)  and PDAM Tirta Pakuan of Bogor City on August 8, 2017 (right).