To end this year, USAID IUWASH PLUS issues the 6th E-Newsletter Edition, December 2018. The e-newsletter begins with two stories from Bekasi and Surakarta cities related to the 2018 World Toilet Day. The World Toilet Day this year focuses on one of the most basic human needs, “When Nature Calls, We Need a Toilet”. It reminds us that there are still a lot of works to do to achieve the safely managed water and sanitation targets of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as WHO and UNICEF reported more than 4 billion people worldwide in 2017 did not have access to safely managed sanitation facilities. With regards to this challenge, the story from Surakarta city tells us how a community health center and community members team up to self-finance the construction of a safe toilet for a poor community member in Punggawan village. In Bekasi, the city government advances its fecal sludge management through environmental-friendly septage treatment plant. The next story is about regular desludging service (LLTT) trainings for the operators to support the Ministry of Public Works and Housing’s commitment to accelerate the program scaling up nationwide. Moving on to East Java, we present a story of a collaboration between the Kota Tanpa Kumuh (City without Slums/KOTAKU) program and USAID IUWASH PLUS to build safe toilets for poor community members in Banjar Kemuning village. Still talking about safely-managed sanitation, we present a story of a cooperation between Medan city government and PDAM Tirtanadi to deliver LLTT. We end this e-newsletter with a story of Ternate city’s success to build infiltration ponds with supports from a number of private firms and other government offices to reduce water crisis potential in Ternate city.
Finally, USAID IUWASH PLUS wishing you a nice holiday season and Happy New Year.
Happy reading!