Welcome to the 15th Edition of USAID IUWASH PLUS’ E-Newsletter, February 2021. Happy new year to all of our loyal readers.
Through the e-newsletter of this edition, we would like to present you the programs run by the government and community together with USAID IUWASH PLUS to create healthy environment through water and sanitation access improvement. As we all know, the healthy environment is the key to fostering community’s health and wealth.
Below are inspirational stories on the programs to improve the water and sanitation carried out by USAID IUWASH PLUS’ partners in 2020 and still have the impacts to present:
- In Pematang Johar Village in Deli Serdang District, a Community Group Pushes WASH Improvement Forward
- Revitalizing WASH Working Group of Bogor District
- To Increase Sanitation Access, Magelang City Expands Urban STBM Approach
- Rigorous Data to Help BPR NUSUMMA Malang Map Its Sanitation Credit Market
- The Local Government Joins Forces with Community in Jayapura District to Implement the Sanitation DAK
- The 2020 World Toilet Day: Promoting Sustainable Sanitation for Climate Change
We hope these stories are inspiring.
Happy Reading!