Welcome to the USAID IUWASH PLUS E-Newsletter, the 14th Edition, December 2020.
The year of 2020 can be the most defining year for us. With the COVID-19 pandemic emerged early this year, the world is changing and the social interaction is shifted. Apart from that, it is undeniable that the pandemic has caused catastrophes in public health and taken the lives of many people.
Yet, the year of 2020 is also awake up call for us to practice healthy and clean behavior more religiously. We have been working tirelessly with our counterparts to raise people’s awareness and encourage them to keep practicing such habits, as well as to create the enabling environment by providing better access to water and sanitation.
This e-newsletter edition presents you some initiatives conducted by our counterparts to improve the community’s access to water and sanitation as well as to promote key hygiene practices. The stories are from Lumajang, Barru, Bogor, Deli Serdang districts, DKI Jakarta, and Central Java provinces.
Here are the stories in the 14th Edition of the E-Newsletter:
- U.S. Government Supports Indonesian Urbans Improve Hand Hygiene Practice to Battle COVID-19
- A Syaria Cooperative Paths the Way for Low-Income Families to Have Healthy Latrines
- Pokja PPAS and BAZNAS Collaborate to Build Healthy Toilets for Low-Income Families
- Deli Serdang Berseri Radio Steps Up to Engage Citizens in WASH Development
- Regionalized SPAM Business Plan: A Pathway to Deliver Access to Water Supply for All
We hope the stories are inspiring.
Happy Reading!