On July 28, 2021, the first meeting between Mojang Sekati Replication Team and stakeholders took place with the facilitation from the Surakarta City Office of Housing, Settlement, and Land Affairs (DisPerumKPP) and USAID IUWASH PLUS. The replication team, whose members consist of city government offices, local NGOs, and the monitoring and evaluation teams from six urban villages, was formed in April 2021 to coordinate the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities concerning sanitation, water supply, and hygiene behaviors in Surakarta city. Those six urban villages consist of four USAID IUWASH PLUS supported areas (Mojo, Setabelan, Kadipiro, and Sangkrah), and two replication urban villages (Tipes and Mojosongo). The replication in Tipes and Mojosongo had commenced in August 2020, before the Mojang Sekati team was formed.
The meeting involved more than 42 online participants, including the Head of Housing Divison of DisPerumKPP Surakarta city, Gunawan Adi Pratio; the Head of Environmental Management Sub-division of Bappeda Surakarta city, Nugraheni Dwi Hastuti; representatives from DUPR, Dinkes, and AKSANSI; sanitarians from five Puskesmas’; and the M&E teams from six urban villages.
The workshop provided DisPerumKPP with an opportunity to socialize the Regional Secretary Decree No. 610.05/17 of 2021 regarding the inception of Mojang Sekati Replication Team. USAID IUWASH PLUS facilitated and recommended input for the drafting of the decree in early 2021. The Mojang Sekati team plans to replicate the urban STBM (Community Total Based Sanitation) in two urban villages in addition to Tipes and Mojosongo, although they have not yet identified the additional urban villages. The replication team members also discussed adjustments to the work plan due to recent developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the meeting, participants agreed to two main targets for the fiscal year of 2021, i.e., building Onsite Domestic Wastewater Management System in Wates and Kadipiro and forming new M&E teams in two urban villages. Additionally, Bappeda also expressed its commitment to facilitating future stakeholder meetings, an avenue where Community Action Plans (Rencana Kerja Masyarakat—RKM) are presented to stakeholders and discussed.
Nugraheni Dwi Hastuti, the Head of Environmental Management Sub-division of Bappeda Surakarta city, asked that “Participatory monitoring and evaluation activities to continue because the Community Action Plans produced are really helpful. I also support that stakeholder meetings continue to take place and be facilitated by relevant government offices.”
As a follow-up to the discussion, DisperumKPP and the replication team will soon determine the two urban villages where new M&E teams will be formed and begin preparations for the urban STBM process there. Meanwhile, the existing M&E teams will arrange for the upcoming participatory monitoring and evaluation activities in August 2021.