DKI Jakarta Provincial Government launched the Grand Design on WASH in Jakarta on January 23, 2018. The grand design sets the comprehensive goal for providing access to drinking water and waste water treatment services by 2022 for all, especially for the urban poor. The grand design provides clear goals, road map, and strategies to achieve the goals and put the integrated planning also collaborative efforts as main pillars. In his opening remarks, Anies Baswedan, The Governor of DKI Jakarta, emphasized that water is important as the availability of clean water is one the key things to enable city development. “I hope this grand design can start a good collaboration and become an example of gotong royong (mutual cooperation), of which the results will be beneficial for us,” said Governor Anies.
The opening ceremony was followed by a presentation related to the four Grand Design topics consisting of WASH, Child Friendly City, Urban Farming and Urban Solid Waste Management. Those topics were presented by resource persons from Deputy for Spatial Planning and Environmental, USAID IUWASH PLUS, Plan International, D’Art of Waste Institute Bandung and Yayasan Karina.
Oswar Mungkasa, Deputy for Spatial Planning and Environmental stated that the Grand Design is an approach to collaborate efforts in the community as a manifestation and commitment to prepare solutions in DKI Jakarta. Furthermore, Lina Damayanti from USAID IUWASH PLUS emphasized that Grand Design on WASH sector is an effort to consolidate with issue-based approach, “This design focusing not only on WASH infrastructures, but also behavior change and collaboration.”
The presentation was closed with a discussion session. In this discussion, Sumiati, staff from MPWH appreciated the WASH Grand Design developed by USAID IUWASH PLUS. “This WASH Grand Design is very relevant with the WASH condition in DKI Jakarta now and I hope this design will be implemented and applied soon,” said Sumiati.