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Jayapura District Government Launches Desludging Service and Inaugurates IPLT Waibron

Jayapura district government with supports from USAID IUWASH PLUS launched desludging service and inaugurated IPLT Waibron at the district PUPR office on October 31, 2019.

Present in the event were Jayapura district’s Regional Secretary, Hanna Hikoyabi; the representative of the MPWH, PUPR office of Papua province, and local government working units in Jayapura.

The Head of Institution Section of the Standardization and Institution Directorate of the MPWH, Asri Indayani, said that Jayapura district is among the ten regions in Indonesia launching desludging service.

To support the service delivery, Jayapura district government has developed supporting facilities, among others are customer database using Management Information System, IPLT with capacity of 15m3 per day, and two septage trucks.

In addition, the UPTD PALD has completed a septic tank survey to 1,500 households who are now potential customers to receive the desludging service.

The head of Jayapura district PUPR office, Alpius Toam hopes that the district heads, RTs and RWs promotes the desludging service so that all community members receive the service.