The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-and-a-half-year initiative designed to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and vulnerable populations. USAID IUWASH PLUS works with governmental agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities and others to achieve the following “high level” results:
1. An increase of 1,100,000 people in urban areas with access to improved water supply service quality, of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40% of the population (also referred to as the “Bottom 40%” or “B40”), vulnerable groups or Indonesia’s eastern provinces; and
2. An increase of 500,000 people in urban areas with access to safely managed sanitation.
To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, USAID IUWASH PLUS is guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening service delivery systems, so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale, the program undertakes activities through four interrelated components, including: 1) improving household WASH services; 2) strengthening city WASH institutional performance; 3) strengthening the WASH financing environment; and 4) advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication. In support of these components, USAID IUWASH PLUS also implements a Local Sustainability and Innovation Component (LSIC) that is designed to stimulate WASH innovations that strengthen community, private sector and government WASH service provision.
To achieve these outcomes IUWASH-PLUS need high caliber candidate to fill the position of
Individual Consultant on Improvement of Information Center and Public Service Unit in Jakarta (JOB CODE: FP ICA/ICPS_JKT)
The main objective of this program:
1. Improving skills and knowledge of the Information center and public service staff to give service of excellent to the UPTD PAL/PDAM Costumer to improving customer retention, upgrading the customer satisfaction to increase number of community accessing and become customer of UPTD PAL/PDAM desludging services.
2. Conducting monitoring and evaluation on the service quality of UPTD PAL/PDAM and giving input for improvement
To support the program, USAID IUWASH PLUS seek the assistance from professional service of excellent trainers. This person will provide technical assistance for UPTD PAL/PDAM Information Center and Public Service Staff.
Scope of Works
Under the supervision of CEM Specialist the tasks and responsibilities of the person will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Developing training module based on the agreed subjects
2. Facilitating 2 days training for Information Center and Public Service staff
3. Review Information Center and Public Service Standard Operation Procedure
4. Monitor and evaluate the service quality of UPTD PAL/PDAM and provide recommendations for improvement
5. Submitting monitoring and evaluation reports.
Notes that all activities will be conducted through online platform
Minimum General Qualifications:
The candidate should have the following criteria:
1. Have experience as a qualified trainer on Customer Service or similar topics
2. Have experience to facilitate and organize online training
3. Excellent communication and public speaking skills;
4. Familiarity with interactive learning activities
5. Experience in sales or customer service positions is a plus;
Expected Start Date: December 2020
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to IUWASH_plus_recruitment@dai.com before November 1, 2020. Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.