North Sumatra Governor, Edy Rahmayadi, launched the desludging services to be managed by PDAM Tirtanadi at the official residence of the North Sumatra Governor, in Medan city on February 18, 2020. The services will be managed by PDAM Tirtanadi.
The Acting Medan Mayor, Akhyar Nasution, and the Acting Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate in Medan, Ms. Brett Walkley were also present in the event whose purpose was to inform public on the desludging services.
In his speech, North Sumatra Governor explained that domestic wastewater management has been a requirement in big cities. The governor hopes that, with the desludging service, the community will no longer dispose their domestic waste to river. “Thus, promotion on desludging services is required to make people aware,” he said.
Similar to the governor, the Acting Principal Office of the U.S Consulate in Medan, Ms. Brett Walkley, articulated that the desludging service to be managed by PDAM Tirtanadi is crucial as the PDAM does not only serve Medan city but also its surrounding areas. “We are proud to strengthen the safe sanitation infrastructure in Medan city,” she said.
To support the desludging services, PDAM Tirtanadi and USAID IUWASH PLUS have established the enabling environment, including standard operating procedures (SOP) on desludging services and the MIS to control and manage the customer database. Currently, 785 households have been registered into the MIS.
As the governor wishes, PDAM Tirtanadi will keep promoting the desludging services to the broader community to achieve the PDAM’s the target to deliver the desludging services to 1,400 customers by September 2020.