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Governments and Communities in Sukoharjo District Agree to Revitalize Community Information Group for WASH

Members of community information group (Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat/KIM) and representatives of Sukoharjo district government agree to revitalize the in KIM for water, sanitation, and hygiene issues. It is the result of the focus group discussion facilitated by USAID IUWASH Tangguh in Sukoharjo district on Thursday (May 11th, 2023). Participating in the discussion were the representatives from several district offices and KIM members from five villages: Sukoharjo, Kartasura, Pucangan, Tambakboyo, and Kriwen. USAID IUWASH Tangguh working locations include two of the villages (Tambakboyo and Kriwen).

KIM for WASH in Sukoharjo was established with support from the USAID IUWASH PLUS (the predecessor of USAID IUWASH Tangguh program) and the group members during the establishment period included the participatory monitoring and evaluation teams. KIM is a group managed by the community to share information on issues around them, including WASH sector. The discussion aimed at refreshing the KIM members’ understanding of the importance of community participation and KIM to ensure qualified public services and agreeing on the follow-up plan. USAID IUWASH Tangguh Central Java Regional Manager, Jefry Budiman, explained that community participation in monitoring is required to sustain water and sanitation services.

In the discussion, the communication and information office of Sukoharjo also introduced KIM WASH Sukoharjo application— an Android-based application developed by the communication and information office to share content and to ensure that the content is accurate. According to the Head of District Communication and Information Office, Suyamto, an information technology -based KIM application has become a demand in this digital era.

As resulted from the discussion, all agreed on KIM action plan, which included capacity training for KIM members on a variety of themes like as journalistic ethics and photographic techniques, designing a framework for utilizing the KIM WASH Sukoharjo program, and introducing the application to the people of Sukoharjo district.

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