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Pelatihan SIG untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas PDAM

GIS Training for Increasing PDAM Capacity

From the field condition, it is recognized that the data of pipe networks and water service customers are only available in the form of Computer Aided Design and Technical Drawing, and this may limit the water company to provide water services to the community. Based on that condition, USAID IUWASH PLUS has realized that information technology, especially GIS, plays important roles for increasing PDAM Staffs capacity in providing water services to the community. GIS has advantages in providing spatial data that can be combined and overlaid with other data and allows the PDAM staffs to find easily the location of water pipe with specific diameter and the customers location for example.

Digitation GIS training

Focused on improving quality of services and the expansion of PDAM service area, USAID IUWASH PLUS has worked with the MPWH’s Directorate of Water Supply System Development (DitPSPAM) to develop the GIS Training Module in the Center of Excellence (CoE) program. As a result, the module draft has been produced in December 2016 and has been trialed in a training for PDAM staffs for module improvement on February 20 – 24, 2017 in Malang.

Sixteen participants from 14 City and District PDAMs (Balangan, Bandarmasih, Bangkalan, Bondowoso, Gianyar, Gresik, Kuningan, Lumajang, Madiun, Malang, Probolinggo, Sidoarjo) with various title background, from operators to head of sections, have attended this training. Those PDAMs consisted of 7 IUWASH PLUS assisted PDAMs in East Java and 7 PDAMs selected by DitPSPAM.

GPS handheld GIS training

The training featured several interesting topics that ranged from concept and introduction to GIS, GIS software and hardware. The training was also delivered in interactive ways by combining classroom and field activities. In the classroom, the participants have experiences in how to convert data CAD, scan the printed map into digital, digitize the data, and layout the map.  During the field training, the participants have hands on experiences in using the GPS handheld and smartphone devices. Sutjibto, S.Kom., staff of  PDAM Malang City stated that this training is very  positive, and in the future it should be improved through GIS assistances for PDAM. Furthermore, Suwono, S.T., staff of  PDAM Gresik District said, ”We are expecting for having advanced training in each PDAM in the form of pilot project that aims to apply acquired knowledge to broader community”.