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Pelatihan GIS untuk Pembangunan Data Spasial Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum

GIS Training for Developing Water Supply System (WSS) Spatial Data

To improve PDAM capacity in utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, USAID IUWASH PLUS conducted a series of 4-day GIS training in five USAID IUWASH PLUS regions. The training was held in Medan, Bekasi, Magelang, Malang, Makassar, and additionally in Jayapura from February to July 2017.

The GIS training is part of the collaboration between USAID IUWASH PLUS and the Center of Excellence (CoE) Program under the Directorate of Water Supply System Development (DITPSPAM) of MPWH. Therefore, the training materials presented during the training are based on the GIS technical training module developed by The CoE Program and USAID IUWASH PLUS.

The participants attended the training in each region were a combination of USAID IUWASH PLUS assisted PDAMs and the ones invited directly by DITPSPAM. In total, 29 PDAMs from USAID IUWASH PLUS and 22 PDAMs invited by DITPSPAM attended the trainings. In some regions, the training was also attended by relevant institutions, such as the Water Supply System Development (PSPAM) Working Unit of North Sumatra Province and the Public Works Office of Jayapura District.

During the training, the participants learned about the concept of GIS basic theory from several materials, such as GIS components, using GPS for field survey, digitization, making simple map, using open-source GIS software (QGIS), and challenges and strategy of GIS development in PDAM. The training also serves as a forum for discussion and sharing of experiences between PDAMs, because some of the PDAMs attended the training already have a special team that is currently developing a GIS-based Water Supply System (WSS) data.

The GIS training is focused on NRW program and asset management. Therefore, the purpose of this training is to improve the PDAM’s capacity in developing the spatial data for all PDAM WSS assets, such as the distribution and transmission pipe network, pipe accessories, asset building, and the location of customers. It is expected that after attending the training, the PDAMs can start collecting the basic data to develop their spatial data. The most challenging part will be the data development, during which PDAM must establish a team to develop the data and prepare a work plan with clear targets.

Following the training, USAID IUWASH PLUS will provide assistance to the selected PDAMs as the priority for NRW program, due to high NRW level in those PDAMs. USAID IUWASH PLUS will provide facilitators to assist the PDAM staff in developing the WSS spatial data. This data, particularly the pipe network and accessories data, will be used for NRW program.