To accelerate the integration of Gender Responsive Budget (ARG) with planning and budgeting by Local Government Organizations (OPD) and related institutions of the WASH program in North Sumatra, USAID IUWASH PLUS facilitated a workshop on ARG Preparation and its relations to Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (PPRG). The workshop held in Parapat on August 28 – 30, 2017 was attended by 32 participants from Bappeda, Offices of Child Protection Empowerment and Population Control and Family Planning; Health; Education; Public Works and Spatial Planning; Housing, Settlement and Hygiene; and PDAM. The resource persons of this workshop were from Bappeda in Tebing Tinggi City, the Office of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in North Sumatra Province, and State University of Medan.
On August 28-29, 2017, the workshop was divided into 5 sessions covering various gender-related issues. The sessions included presentations of the integration of gender issues into regional policy, gender mainstreaming strategy to achieve Gender Equality and Equity, PPRG, Introduction of Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP) and Gender Budget Statement (GBS). Prior to starting the presentation, the participants first take the pre-test. During the simulation session, the participants were divided into groups based on their institutions and conduct discussions for practical/ simulation to prepare GAP.
On August 30, the participants presented the GAP that had been prepared in the previous day. Before the end of the workshop, the participants took the post-test. The pre-test and post-test were conducted to see the increase knowledge gained by the participants during the workshop.
“This workshop is very interesting. To follow up this, we have plan to organize this kind of workshop for other OPDs, which is planned to be held on October 24-25, 2017,” said Junita Dewi from Bappeda of Tebing Tinggi.