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Forty-Five Community Volunteers in Surabaya City Prepared to Promote ‘STBM’

Kader Surabaya Sehat membahas cara promosi STBM

Forty-five community volunteers, known as Kader Surabaya Hebat (KSH), from Pacar Keling and Pacar Kembang urban villages participated in a training on community-based total sanitation (STBM) held by USAID IUWASH Tangguh and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia in Surabaya city on February 7th, 2023.

As a result, the community volunteers are ready to promote and educate other residents on the importance of safely managed drinking water and sanitation.

The Senior Program Manager Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Indra Gunawan, said “This training increases capacity of the volunteers, who are ‘champions’ in disseminating healthy messages to communities. We must help them so that their knowledge is improved and their motivation is higher.” Indra Gunawan hopes that the training—held for the first time in Pacar Keling and Pacar Kembang—supports Surabaya city government to achieve open defecation free in 2023.

To achieve that target, the city government prepares budget to build latrine with septic tanks for 8,000 houses in 26 urban villages, including Pacar Keling (USAID IUWASH Tangguh’s area). Additionally, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia provides sanitation support to Pacar Kembang urban village (its area).

USAID IUWASH Tangguh supports the Ministry of Health to implement community-based total sanitation, which includes urban sanitation promotion through a variety of proven channels, media, local leaders, influencers, and the ministry’s network of health personnel and cadres. This activity will eventually help more communities to have better sanitation access.

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