In the digital era that uses the information technology advances, PDAM as the water supply service provider is required to start using Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to improve the performance and quality of its service. GIS can assist in the provision of spatial data that can be combined and overlayed with other data that enable PDAM staff to easily find data, such as location data of water pipes with specific diameters as well as customer locations.
Recognizing the importance of GIS technology for PDAMs, the Center of Excellence (COE) Program of the Directorate of Water Supply System Development (Dit. PSPAM) of Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in collaboration with USAID IUWASH PLUS conducted GIS training for PDAMs in a number of USAID IUWASH PLUS regions. This training aims to encourage the utilization of GIS technology in managing Water Supply System (Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum/SPAM) assets and supporting the Non Revenue Water (NRW) reduction program through the introduction and use of GIS tools, both hardware and software.
In Bekasi City, the training took place on July 11 – 14, 2017 for 6 USAID IUWASH PLUS assisted PDAMs and 4 PDAMs invited by the COE Program of Dit.PSPAM. The USAID IUWASH PLUS assisted PDAMs were from Bekasi City, Bogor City, Depok City, Bogor District, Karawang District and Tangerang District. Meanwhile PDAMs that invited by COE Program were from Cirebon City, Tangerang City, Cirebon District and Kuningan District.
This training uses the materials from the GIS Technical Assistance Module developed by the COE Program of Dit. PSPAM and USAID IUWASH PLUS covering the theories and practices of GIS. As the results, the participants had knowledge of GIS software (QGIS), QGIS structure and management, coordinate system and satellite image rectification. In addition, the participants’ skills were also improved because they are now able to practice steps to make GIS map, such as map digitization, data management, overlay and query, map symbology, map designing, and introduction to the Internet-based GIS (showing online GIS map through an Internet site).
Some participants admitted that they received new lessons from this training. “For PDAMs that do not have GIS team and also not using QGIS software, this training is very useful because we have the opportunity to learn new things,” said Dimas Yanuar Moeslim from PDAM Tirta Kahuripan of Bogor District.
During the sharing session of GIS utilization, the Bekasi City PDAM that has used the GIS system presented the examples of GIS utilization in the form of map coordinates recording for mapping the PDAM asset. Besides the Bekasi City PDAM, several PDAMs that have utilized GIS system are PDAMs from Sibolga City, Pematangsiantar City, Malang City, Probolinggo City, Makassar City and Sidoarjo District.
In group discussion session at the end of training, there are some inputs from participants which are very useful for PDAM to apply GIS. First, it is necessary to have support and commitment from the PDAM management to develop the IT and GIS system. In addition, it is advised that the members of the GIS team are selected from staff who have the willingness, ability and commitment. The established GIS team should only focus on handling GIS activities within a certain period of time and receive additional incentives for the activity. To record the old assets that have no documents, PDAM personnel who may have retired may be involved in the GIS team. Furthermore, the GIS implementation can be started by performing easier and more straightforward activities, such as data collection for customer number and address, existing network maps, built-in drawings and detailed plan design.
Until the end of July 2017, the GIS training organized by the COE Program of Dit. PSPAM and USAID IUWASH PLUS has also been implemented in several other USAID IUWASH PLUS regions, namely. Malang, Magelang, Makassar City, then Bekasi, Jayapura and Medan City.
The participants acknowledged that they gained many benefits through this training. “This training activity is needed by PDAM, especially to reduce NRW in PDAM,” added Rizat Aldy from PDAM Tirta Patriot of Bekasi City.