USAID IUWASH Tangguh supports the Government of Indonesia to achieve the target on building disaster and climate resilience for the 2020–2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the country’s UNFCCC’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution for 2022.
To achieve this target, USAID IUWASH Tangguh worked with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) organized a training on key aspects of building water resilience for water resource stakeholders in Bandung, October 2nd–5th, 2023. Representatives of Bappenas, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Public Works, and Housing, as well as from ten provincial planning and development agencies (Bappeda), and environment, and water resource agencies, attended the five-day training.
Combining classroom and field-based activities, participants proactively discussed climate phenomenon and its impacts on water security, risk assessments and climate vulnerability, climate change adaptation and development planning and budgeting, among the various topics.
They visited a hydroelectric dam reservoir in the district of Bandung as part of the field activity to gain first-hand experience on identifying and collecting data for vulnerability assessments. They also learned to analyze the data and develop action plans for climate change adaptation.
Ms. Sisca Veronica, from Bappeda DKI Jakarta, shared her plan after completing the training. “I will share the knowledge we learn with my colleagues and managers. We will calculate and analyze the water resilience in Jakarta using these methods and integrate the results into our government’s plans,” said Sisca.
USAID IUWASH Tangguh will continue to closely work with the participants to implement the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) in their respective regions. The CCVA can strengthen the local government Strategic Environmental Assessment that is foundational for the local government’s development planning as well as spatial planning. USAID IUWASH Tangguh will encourage water resilience is addressed in the planning.