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Dissemination of the Individual Septic Tank Grant Program in Medan

The Medan city government, through the Office of Housing, Settlements and Spatial Planning (PKP2R), is planning to build around 1,100 individual septic tanks under the sanitation grant program in 2018. The funds for building these septic tanks will be from the national government through the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) and the Medan city’s 2018 budget.

The septic tank grants program is targeting communities in four sub-districts as the beneficiaries. The construction of around 700 septic tanks in Medan Timur, Medan Denai, and Medan Tembung sub-districts will use the funds from the MPWH, while the 2018 Medan city budget will fund the construction of 400 septic tanks in Medan Johor sub-district.

The Medan city government works closely with USAID IUWASH PLUS to support this program. The collaboration includes the formation of the dissemination team and training on survey for this team, the dissemination activities to introduce the individual septic tank grants program, and the survey of grant program beneficiaries.

The objectives of the dissemination activities are to introduce the correct technical specifications of an individual septic tank, introduce the sanitation grant program (individual septic tank) conducted by the Medan city government in 2018, and to introduce the Scheduled Desludging Service (LLTT) program of Medan City. These activities involved the PKP2R Office, Health Office, sub-districts and kelurahan officials, religious leaders, local public figures, and the prospective beneficiaries. From these activities, it is expected that in addition to receive the septic tank grants, the community also know the right specifications of septic tank and can maintain and look after the septic tank, as well as become the members of the scheduled desludging service (LLTT) of Medan city.

The dissemination team comprising of representatives from USAID IUWASH PLUS and the Medan city government completed the dissemination and survey activities in all four sub-districts in April 2018. The survey resulted in the number of beneficiaries entitled to receive the grants that is 1,135 beneficiaries, consisted of 400 beneficiaries in Medan Johor sub-district and a combination of 735 beneficiaries in the other three sub-districts. Following the survey results, the PKP2R Office will start constructing the individual septic tanks in July 2018.