On January 8, 2019, the Housing, Settlements, and Land Office of Bekasi city, with supports from USAID IUWASH PLUS, held a coordination meeting to finalize the draft of the Mayor Regulation on the Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Bekasi City No 5, Year 2018 on Domestic Wastewater Management.
The Mayor Regulation is drafted to provide further explanation for the Regional Regulation on the Domestic Wastewater Management No 5, Year 2018 so that this regional regulation can be implemented effectively.
Eighteen people representing relevant local government working units (OPDs), such as Bappeda, Legal Division, Spatial Planning office, and Investment and One Stop Service Office, participated in this meeting.
During the coordination meeting, the participants reviewed and discussed the content of the draft of the Mayor Regulation, including articles on septage management, obligations to manage domestic wastewater properly, and partnership with private sectors for desludging services.
Few articles were also added to the draft of the Mayor Regulation, including the use of information system for desludging services and the needs of supervision tasks to ensure the Regional Regulation on Domestic Wastewater Management is properly enforced.
As a follow up on this meeting, the draft of the Mayor Regulation on the Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Bekasi City No 5, Year 2018 on Domestic Wastewater Management is submitted to the Legal Division for legal drafting.
“When the Perwali is enacted, we will be able to take actions to discipline private desludging services in Bekasi city that do not dispose the septage in the IPLT,” said Andrea Sucipto, the Head of Domestic Wastewater Management UPTD of Bekasi City.
On the same day, USAID IUWASH also assisted Bappeda of Barru district to discuss the drafts of the Regent Regulation on Domestic Wastewater Management and the Regional Regulation on Desludging Service Tariff with other OPDs in Barru district.
This discussion resulted in some significant inputs, among others to move the articles on tariff as well as community’s rights, obligations, and roles from the Regent Regulation into the Regional Regulation on Domestic Wastewater Management—which will be drafted this year.
In addition, the participants also agreed to develop the Regional Regulation on Desludging Service Tariff separated from the existing Regional Regulation on General Service Tariff.