KPP Sugih Waras collaborated with other community members build handwashing with soap facilities with biopore infiltration holes in RT4 and 5/RW 3 in Kiringan neighborhood in Tidar Utara urban village, Magelang city.
KPP Sugih Waras is a community based group that partnered with USAID IUWASH PLUS to manage eight units of onsite domestic wastewater management systems in RT5/RW 3 in Kiringan neighborhood.
The making of handwashing facilities combined with biopore infiltration holes was recently conducted to help protect the community from COVID-19 and to implement community action plans resulting from the third cycle of participatory M&E in February 2020.
According to The Head of Environment Contamination Control and Natural Resources Conservation Section of the Environment Office of Magelang City, Umi Nadhiroh, biopore infiltration holes will minimize water puddles that come from the handwashing with soap facilities and help with the groundwater recharge. The ground water recharge measure is important because the RT4 and 5/RW 3 in Kiringan nerighborhood is one of the catchment areas of Tuk Pecah spring—a raw water source for PDAM Magelang city.
As of the end of March, 2020, KPP Sugih Waras and community members have built six handwashing with soap facilities from used materials with biopore infiltration holes in RT4 and 5/RW3 in Kiringan neighborhood, Tidar Utara urban village.