Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI) and USAID IUWASH PLUS conducted a ceremony to hand over the PDAM water connection through master meter system to the beneficiaries in Surabaya on September 12, 2019.
Present in the ceremony were the Executive Director of PDAM Surabaya, the Program Coordinator of CCFI, USAID IUWASH PLUS, the representatives of sub-district and village governments receiving the master meter system program, the master meter care-taker groups, and beneficiaries.
From December 2018 to August 2019, CCFI and USAID IUWASH PLUS supported PDAM Surabaya to build 23 master meter systems for 900 house connections that benefit 4,500 people.
During this ceremony, Lutfiah—a beneficiary from Tambak urban village, shared her experiences in using the master meter system.
“We used water from our well and a river for bathing, laundry, and watering. For eating and cooking, we bought water from a water peddler. After receiving the master meter, we are convenient. Just turn the tap, the water flows and it is clean. The cost is also much cheaper compared to purchasing water from a peddler,” said Lutfiah.
Besides partnering with the CCFI, PDAM Surabaya with supports from USAID IUWASH PLUS also collaborated with some other private firms to build master meter systems. In total, the multi-stakeholder partnerships built 30 master meter systems that have benefited six thousand people.