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Bogor City Government Launches Regular Desludging Service

Bogor city government, with the assistance of USAID IUWASH PLUS, launched regular desludging services in a ceremony held both online and in-person, with strict health protocols in place, in Tegal Gundil Septage Treatment Plant, Bogor city on June 15, 2021.

The objective of the launching ceremony was to introduce regular desludging service managed by the UPTD PALD (Regional Technical Implementing Unit for Domestic Wastewater Management) to all stakeholders and communities in Bogor city. Since March 2018, the UPTD PALD and the city public works and spatial planning office have worked with USAID IUWASH PLUS program to prepare the regular desludging service implementation.

The support from the program included census of septic tanks in 400 houses, development of MIS (management information system) application named SALUTT (Sistem Aplikasi Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal/Regular Desludging Service Application System), and regular desludging service promotion, among others. Up to May 2021, 1,343 customers had already registered in the UPTD PALD’s database.

In his speech, Bogor Mayor said that sanitation and wastewater collection and treatment are basic needs that will determine the people’s life quality. He reminded that “…. infrastructure development, including the MIS application, should be accompanied with behavior change promotion, and that regular desludging service is in line with the spirit of Bogor City being A Smart City.” added the Bogor Mayor.