In order to achieve the safely managed sanitation, Ternate city government and USAID IUWASH PLUS launched the desludging services at Lingkungan Facei in North Sangaji urban village, in Ternate city on February 13, 2020.
Ternate Mayor, Burhan Abdurahman, Jeffry Sharp—the Executive Director of USAID Indonesia, and Asri Andiyani—the Head of Institution Section of the Standardization and Institution Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of Housing and Sanitation of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, symbolically launched the desludging services.
Ternate Mayor, Burhan Abdurahman explained that government and community have responsibility to sustain environement.
“Septic tanks and regular desludging will protect Ternate’s water sources,” said Burhan in his speech.
“Today, we are launching the desludging services. On top of this, we have to educate the community so that they have good understanding on septic tanks and desludging services to achieve healthy life,” Burhan continued.
In addition, the Executive Director of USAID Indonesia, Jeffry Sharp, appreciated the commitment of Ternate city government to implement desludging services.
“We are proud of working with Ternate city government who is strongly committed to achieving the safely managed sanitation through desludging services,” said Jeffry.
Jeffry hopes that the desludging services is able to help Ternate city attain safely managed sanitation as it is targeted in the SDGs.
The desludging services in Ternate city also receives supports from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
“The Ministry of Public Works and Housing is ready to support Ternate city to implement desludging services,” said Asri Indiyani, the Head of Institution Section of the Standardization and Institution Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of Housing and Sanitation of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
She explained that Ternate city is now among the ten percent of cities/districts in Indonesia that have launched desludging services. This achievement was made due to the city government’s strong commitment.
Ternate city government has had supporting facilities to implement the desludging services, among others are UPTD PALD to manage domestic wastewater, supporting regional regulations, Buku Deru-Deru Septage Treatment Plant which was renovated using the 2019 local government budget, and management information system for customers. These facilities have been prepared by Ternate city government and USAID IUWASH PLUS since 2017.
Further, the UPTD PALD has identified 2,000 potential households receiving desludging services, and 200 of which are targeted to receive the service by August 2020.