On October 20, 2020, USAID IUWASH PLUS assisted community group of RW 06 in Pakis Kembar village in Malang district to advocate the village and district governments to provide funds for sanitation programs in 2021.
This advocacy was conducted through a meeting held by USAID IUWASH PLUS on October 20, 2020. The advocacy was conducted to implement the community action plan which was developed as part of the participatory monitoring and evaluation process.
During the meeting, the community group—which consists of community representatives, handed a proposal on the construction of between 10 and 20 individual toilets with septic tanks to the village and district governments. Construction of the sanitation facility is necessary to improve the people’s access to sanitation.
Based on the participatory monitoring and evaluation access carried out by the community group in mid-2020, many households in RW 6 in Pakis Kembar village do not have a septic tank at home.
Responding to this request, the village and district governments promise to discuss the proposal in the development planning meeting (musrenbang) at the village and district levels, respectively.