On November 27, 2019, the Swiss Assistant State Secretary for Asia Pacific, Raphael Nageli, visited PDAM Tirta Kahuripan in Bogor District. The visit was made to observe progress of the Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction and Energy Efficiency EE) increase program supported by the USAID-SECO Partnership program under USAID IUWASH PLUS.
Since June 2019, the USAID-SECO Partnership program for USAID IUWASH PLUS has been supporting PDAM Tirta Kahuripan with focus on three key areas, namely (1) NRW reduction, (2) increase energy efficiency, and (3) capacity building for the PDAM staff.
With this support, PDAM Tirta Kahuripan is committed to reducing the NRW by between 5 and 7.5 percent and increasing the energy efficiency by some 15 percent by 2021.
Within five months of the program implementation, 14 PDAM staff have received NRW trainings and five staff received energy efficiency trainings from the USAID-SECO Partnership program.
The Executive Director of PDAM Tirta Kahuripan, Hasanudin Tahir, hopes that the cooperation and visit of the USAID-SECP partnership program will improve the PDAM’s technical and financial performances with focus on NRW reduction, energy efficiency, and non-technical capacity building.
Besides visiting PDAM Tirta Kahuripan, the Swiss Assistant State Secretary for Asia Pacific also met Bogor Regent, Madam Ade Yasin.
The supports from USAID-SECO partnership is necessary for improving the PDAM’s performance in order to deliver excellent services for all community who needs clean water,” said Bogor Regent.
Also present in the visit were Switzerland Ambassador, Kurt Kunz; SECO Deputy Director, Phillip Orga; the Director of USAID Environment Office, Matt Burton; USAID COR for USAID IUWASH PLUS, Trigeany Linggoatmodjo, representatives of SECO and the Swiss Embassy, the Swiss Development Corp.(SDC), the USAID-SECO team and USAID IUWASH PLUS team