On March 16, 2020, the Magelang city office of information, communication, and statistic (Diskominsta) collaborated with USAID IUWASH PLUS to facilitated a talk show in the 103.5FM Magelang radio to discuss the development planning meeting.
The Radio Talk Show themed ‘Developing Magelang into a Modern, Smart, Wealthy, and Religious City through Fair, Just, and Open Development Planning Meeting’ (Membangun Magelang Moncer Serius dengan Musrenbang yang Jujur, Adil, dan Terbuka”).
The talk show presenters were the Head of Planning Division of Magelang city Bappeda (regional development planning office), Mrs. Kukuh Sari Pamungkas; the Head of Tidar Utara village, Mrs. Tenny Iis Mulyadi and the Chairperson of Community Empowerment Agency (LPM) of Jurang Ombo Selatan urban village, Mr. Heru Sanyoto .
During the talk show, the Head of Tidar Utara village, Tenny Iis Mulyadi, shared with the audiences that she has adopted the participatory approach introduced by USAID IUWASH PLUS.
The Head of Village Tenny Iis Mulyadi explained, “the development planning meeting in Tidar Utara was merry because all RT chiefs presented their respective regional maps during the pre and actual development planning meetings.” The map is the reference for the community to understand problems that they are facing in their neighborhood.
The Head of Planning Division of Magelang city Bappeda, Mrs. Kukuh Sari Pamungkas, highlighted water and sanitation have become the city’s priority development and the development planning meeting is a forum for multi-stakeholders to discuss and agree on the proposed development programs.
In addition, the Chief of Jurang Ombo Selatan’s LPM, Heru Sanyoyo, also mentioned that the organization works to voice community’s concerns and opinions in various channels, among others is the Musrenbang.
The talk show received positive responses from the audiences, among others is Argono Widodo—a resident of Panjang urban village. He said, “the talk show has helped community understand the government’s plans and motivate then to support the development program implementation.”
It was the fifth radio talk show that the Diskominsta and USAID IUWASH PLUS have conducted. The talk show is a mechanism for community members to discuss on water and sanitation issues with the local government and WASH enthusiasts. In addition, the talk show also helps the local government to evaluate the WASH development programs and garner public inputs to the program implementation.