The increasing public demand for access to water supply, sanitation and habitable housing is one of the challenges that the City Government (Pemko) of Medan has to overcome. To meet these needs, Pemko Medan has conducted a number of activities in the sanitation and water supply sectors
“The bottom line is in order to improve access to water supply and sanitation services, Pemko Medan will maintain and increase the APBD, and also improve the data of beneficiaries of water supply and sanitation. In addition it will also encourage the work of the Health Agency with its water supply programs, sanitation and health promotion,” said Mr. Rawaluddin Siregar Section Head of PKP2R Program at PKP2R Office.
In the sanitation sector, Housing, Settlement and Spatial Planning Office (PKP2R) of Pemko Medan, the Working Unit of Environmental Sanitation Development (PPLP) and PDAM Tirtanadi have optimized the Central Wastewater Pipeline Service System of Medan City since 2013 until now. In addition, PKP2R will also conduct the Scheduled Desludging Service (L2T2). Optimization and those activities are expected to meet the needs of the people of Medan City for safely managed sanitation services.
In the water supply sector, PKP2R Office has built a water management system managed by the community equipped with the distribution pipeline facility to areas that are still prone to water supply in Kelurahans Tegal Sari Mandala II, Belawan Bahagia and Bagan Deli. The water supply management system in Tegal Sari Mandala II starts from 2011 while for Belawan Bahagia and Bagan Deli starts from 2015.
Kelurahan Tegal Sari Mandala II was chosen considering that the location has a shallow well water quality that is not good and also not served by Tirtanadi PDAM network. The condition is also found in Kelurahans Belawan Bahagia and Bagan Deli. Those Kelurahans are located on the seafront so that they are not covered by the PDAM network.
In addition, the Medan City is also included in the largest drinking water services program in North Sumatra, namely the Water Supply System (SPAM) of Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang (Mebidang) targeting a maximum water production capacity of 2,200 liters per second.
Efforts to improve access to water supply and sanitation continues to this day. For Fiscal Year 2017, PKP2R Office in collaboration with Bappeda, Public Works Office, Health Office, Tirtanadi PDAM and KOTAKU Program will undertake the construction of 1,000 water supply house connections, procurement program of 350 units of septic tanks, and rehabilitation of uninhabitable house (RTLH) for 200 Households
Pemko Medan has also collaborated with various parties, including USAID IUWASH PLUS. In collaboration with USAID IUWASH PLUS in 2017, the PKP2R Office has conducted a Survey of Prospective Beneficiaries of PKP2R Medan Program for Sanitation and Water Supply and KOTAKU Medan Program for uninhabitable houses (RTLH) of 1,200 respondents using android app. The results of the USAID IUWASH PLUS supported survey are very useful in providing data on potential beneficiaries of water supply services and L2T2 programs for Pemko Medan.
Moreover, USAID IUWASH PLUS also works closely with the Health Office of Pemko Medan to conduct participatory assessments and Community-Based Total Sanitation triggering. “We hope this partnership with USAID IUWASH PLUS will continue and we also hope there will be a comparative study that can expand the horizons,” added Mr. Rawaluddin Siregar, Section Head of PKP2R Program, putting expectation on USAID IUWASH PLUS.
The result of collaboration with Pemko Medan resulted in the construction of water supply, sanitation and RTLH supported by the PKP2R Office, KOTAKU Program, and USAID IUWASH PLUS. As the realization is the construction of water supply, sanitation facilities and RTLH which was inaugurated on July 5, 2017 in Kelurahan Kedai Durian at the residence of Pak Saripin as the beneficiary.
At the inauguration, U.S. Ambassador Mr. Joseph R. Donovan, the Mayor of Medan Mr.
Dzulmi Eldin and the acting Regional Secretary of North Sumatra Government (representing the Governor of North Sumatra) Mr. Ibnu Sri Utomo has held a ground breaking ceremony as a symbol of the inauguration of the construction of water supply, sanitation (WASH) and RTLH facilities for the people, especially the Low Income Community (MBR).
“The United States is proud to partner with the Government of Indonesia to work toward universal access to clean water and improved sanitation by 2019.” said Mr. Joseph R. Donovan in his opening speech. The inauguration ceremony marked the start of a USAID IUWASH PLUS new partnership and support for Pemko Medan in improving access to water supply and sanitation.
Pak Saripin who became one of the beneficiaries of the construction of water supply and sanitation facilities at home is very grateful for the benefits felt by his family “In the past during the dry season, the water from the wells was dirty, so it could not be used. But now I have been able to enjoy clean water. I am also glad to be assisted with a latrine with septic tank which is safer and sealed, “said Pak Saripin.
(Melani Miranda/USAID IUWASH PLUS North Sumatra)